Tuesday, August 15, 2017

First Week of Magic

Well, we are just over a week into 1, 2, 3: Magic and I have to say that overall, it is going well.  I don't have actual statistics for you, but many days we make it through without a time out.  The biggest source of time-outs are both of the boys for arguing and fighting.  A couple of times, it has been Cole for having a bit of a tantrum that he couldn't stop.

Time outs are different as those of our past, as we don't discuss anything after they are over.  There are no forced apologies.  It's mostly a cooling off period, and I have to say it works.  By the time it's done, the issue has passed and tempers have calmed.

The biggest change I have seen has been in myself: I have not yelled.  I don't think at all, actually, in the past week.  When I start to get flustered and upset, I think, "What am I doing?  Why am I not counting?????"  And I calmly say, "That's 1."  I feel like I am doing well with this segment of the program, the "STOP" behaviors, but need review and practice with the "START" behaviors that require more long-term motivation.

I am pleased with how things are going thus far.  I think the boys' behavior will continue to improve as we get back on schedule with the start of school.  Their arguments should lessen some simply because they will have more time apart.  My favorite thing is that this is also something I can use in my classroom, so it feels like a 2-for-1!  I have to say that with the results I've gotten, I do believe in magic.  I'll let you know how I do in the coming transitions, and with encouraging those "START" behaviors.

Have you tried 1, 2, 3: Magic?  What do you think of it?  If you haven't tried it, but need a new strategy, I encourage you to give it a shot!  And a special thank you to my dear friend, Nicolle, who kindly recommended the book to me.  It's been a lifesaver! 

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So, it's been quite a while since last I wrote.  It's been a rather rough patch for me, and I simply didn't have it in me to sit...

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